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A massage therapist once said, “You can only reach so many people with your voice. You have to be able to touch them too.” Hydrotherapy is a natural way of touching people—reaching their minds, relieving tensions and ailments, and relaxing the body. It has been used as a method of healing since ancient times, when doctors used warm waters as a way to relieve pain, relax tense muscles and tendons, flush out infections and drain excess fluid from the body. Nowadays hydrotherapy remains an important part of modern medicine in various clinics around the world.

What is Hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy is a method of using water to treat physical and mental ailments. It has been practiced for thousands of years by many cultures. The word “hydrotherapy” comes from “hydration therapy”. When you’re hydrated, you have more energy, you’re more relaxed, and you’re more able to perceive your surroundings. Using water and other natural elements, hydrotherapists seek to rehydrate the body, relieve aches and pains, and restore vigor. The human body is primarily water. It is estimated that 78% of our tissues are made up of water. When the body becomes dehydrated, blood volume is reduced and the blood becomes thicker, causing an increase in blood pressure. This can create headaches, dizziness, and even cause unconsciousness. When the body becomes over hydrated, the blood volume is reduced, the blood pressure is lowered, and the body is restored to a more relaxed state.

Types of Hydrotherapy

– Hydrotherapy tables – These are more commonly seen in medical and medical/surgical centers. These tables are fitted with water jets, massage heads, and other attachments that allow the therapist to give a full body massage. Most hydrotherapy tables are electric, but many therapists will also offer massages on a table fitted with thick massage cushions, or using a vibrating table. – Whirlpools – These are similar to hydrotherapy tables, but they are generally smaller and intended for smaller spaces, such as a home. Whirlpools generally have a more gentle flow of water and less attachments than tables. – Showers – Hydrotherapy can be done in a shower by placing a basin or bucket under the water. The water temperature and flow can be changed for a customized experience.

Benefits of Hydrotherapy

– Increased blood flow: Increased blood flow is beneficial for the body, as it carries nutrients and oxygen to all areas of the body. – Increased muscle relaxation: When the muscles are relaxed, the body is more open to healing. – Better sleep: Getting in sync with your body is a great way to get a good night’s sleep. – Boosts immune system: Dehydration weakens the immune system and increases the risk of having a cold or the flu. Regular hydrotherapy sessions will keep the immune system healthy and strong. – Lighter feeling: Feeling lighter and less tense is great for everyone! – Better skin: When the skin is hydrated, it is more elastic and less prone to wrinkles. – Increased energy: When the body is relaxed and energized, it has more strength.

How to do hydrotherapy?

If you’re using a hydrotherapy table or a whirlpool, you need to know how to operate the machine safely. You’ll also need to know what to do before and after treatment, so remember to take off any jewellery and cover your skin with lotion or a shower gel. A hydrotherapy session consists of four parts. – Preparing the body – Cleanse the skin before and after treatment, remove jewellery, hydrate the skin with a shower gel or lotion, and clean the muscles and joints with an anti-inflammatory ointment. – Hydrating the body – Drink lots of water before treatment, and soak your muscles and joints in a warm bath or shower afterwards. You can also use a small pouch filled with warm water for targeted areas. – Relaxing the body – Focus on breathing deeply and relaxing the muscles of the body. – Recovering from treatment – It is important to rest and restore the body’s energy after hydrotherapy.

Guidelines for hydrotherapy in home

– Use a hydrotherapy table: This will allow you to give a full body massage, and is generally cheaper than a whirlpool. – Keep the room temperature cool: The room temperature should be around 70º or less to allow the body to maintain its temperature. – Keep the water temperature warm: It should be around 102º to 107º to allow muscles to relax and ease the tension in the body. – Choose the right water pressure: Choose a water pressure of around 5 to 7 PSI. – Choose the right water temperature: Choose a water temperature of around 100º to 104º. – Choose the right water flow: Choose a stream of water that is gentle enough to allow the muscles to relax. – Preparing the body – Cleanse the skin before and after treatment, remove jewellery, hydrate the skin with a shower gel or lotition, and clean the muscles and joints with an anti-inflammatory ointment. – Hydrating the body – Drink lots of water before treatment, and soak your muscles and joints in a warm bath or shower afterwards. You can also use a small pouch filled with warm water for targeted areas. – Relaxing the body – Focus on breathing deeply and relaxing the muscles of the body. – Recovering from treatment – It is important to rest and restore the body’s energy after hydrotherapy. – Keep the room temperature cool: The room temperature should be around 70º or less to allow the body to maintain its temperature. – Keep the water temperature warm: It should be around 102º to 107º to allow muscles to relax and ease the tension in the body. – Choose the right water pressure: Choose a water pressure of around 5 to 7 PSI. – Choose the right water temperature: Choose a water temperature of around 100º to 104º. – Choose the right water flow: Choose a stream of water that is gentle enough to allow the muscles to relax.


Hydrotherapy has been used for thousands of years as a natural way of healing the body, mind, and emotions. It benefits the body by increasing blood flow, increasing muscle relaxation, and reducing stress. It benefits the mind by relaxing the body and increasing focus. Hydrotherapy can be done at home with a hydrotherapy table or in a shower with a basin or bucket of water.

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