Physiotherapy is the branch of medicine that focuses on prevention and treatment of diseases and pain using active exercises, stretches, and other techniques. People usually turn to a physiotherapist when they experience pain or discomfort for medical reasons. In general, most people will benefit from seeing a physio once they reach their late teens. However, this doesn’t mean that you should rush to your first appointment: You may need one as soon as an injury has occurred or you are starting to experience symptoms of an underlying condition. You may also need to see your physiotherapist if you participate in any high-impact activities regularly (e.g., running, dancing, hockey, soccer) or play a sport regularly (e.g., golf, tennis).
When Should You See a Physiotherapist?
If you experience pain in your back, neck, legs, or other body parts, you should see a physiotherapist. While pain may be a symptom of an injury, it may also be an indication of an illness. The best way to find out why you’re in pain is to see a physiotherapist. The sooner you see one, the more likely it is that your pain will improve. If you’re recovering from an injury, you’ll need to see a Physiotherapist sooner than later. When you’re injured and your muscles are weak, you may experience pain or even inflammation. In this case, you’ll need to see a Physiotherapist to treat the underlying cause and prevent further complications.
Should You See a Sports Injury Physiotherapist or an Occupational Therapist?
If you’re suffering from a sports injury, you should see a Physiotherapist. Sports injuries are common and occur for multiple reasons. Some injuries may be caused by improper technique, poor equipment, intense training schedules, a lack of rest, genetic predispositions, etc. A sports injury Physio may be able to help you understand what happened and how you can prevent it from happening again. A Physiotherapist can also help you with rehabilitation. Rehabilitation is the process of getting your body back to a functional state. Occupational Therapists focus on helping patients who are experiencing pain and symptoms related to their jobs.
Is Your Back Pain Caused by Your Job?
Sometimes back pain caused by your job is what leads you to see a physiotherapist. Certain jobs, like heavy lifting, repetitive activities, or long-standing postural habits, may put you at risk for back pain. Your back pain may also improve over time and become more severe as you get older. Back pain caused by your job may also be a sign that you need to change your work environment, schedule, or position. You may even decide to take time off from work.
Should You See a Physiotherapist to Treat Your Joint Pain?
If you have joint pain, you should see a physiotherapist. Joint pain can be caused by certain diseases or infections, aging, or injuries. If you have joint pain, your physiotherapist may recommend joint injections to treat the pain, or prescribe pain medication. Physiotherapists can also help you manage joint pain by recommending exercises, modifying your routine, or suggesting equipment that can help you better perform tasks.
Should You See a Physiotherapist to Treat Obesity?
If you want to lose weight, you may want to see a Physiotherapist to get started. A weight loss Physio can help you identify your weight-related triggers and develop a weight loss plan that works best for you. They may also recommend dietary changes, physical activity, or a combination of all three to help you lose weight. Your Physio can also help you maintain your new lifestyle once you’ve reached your goal weight. They can help you identify potential problems, like food cravings or weight regain.
A physiotherapist can help you recover from an injury or manage pain, but they can also help you treat obesity or lose weight. There are many variations of physiotherapy, and in many cases, a physiotherapist can help with all of these issues, so don’t wait until you need pain to get started. In addition, you don’t have to be overweight to benefit from a physiotherapy program. With the right approach, anyone can feel better and have more energy.