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Ionophoresis is a procedure commonly used to treat conditions that are caused by an excess of ions in your body. It is also used to remove excess ions from the body which can lead to various complications, including kidney damage, heart problems and headaches. If you have any of these concerns and want to know more about this medical treatment, continue reading for details.

What is ionophoresis?

When an electric current is passed through a solution containing ions, the electrical charge attracts water from the surrounding tissue. Depending on the concentration of ions and the voltage, the resulting electric current will cause the tissue to swell, thereby increasing permeability. It can be used to irrigate the skin, remove toxins from the body, treat burns and induce muscle relaxation for pain relief.

How does ionophoresis work?

In ionophoresis, an electric current is passed through a solution containing positively charged ions. These ions attract water from the surrounding tissue, causing it to swell. This increase in volume allows for enhanced permeability, ultimately allowing for the removal of ions.

Uses of Ionophoresis: How It Is Used in Medicine?

– Treatment of skin conditions: This medical treatment is used to reduce infection and eliminate toxins from the body. Excess sebum and dead skin cells are removed by ionophoresis. This reduces the risk of developing infections and inflammatory disorders. Ionophoresis is used to remove toxins from the body, including pesticides and heavy metals. – Treating kidney disorders: This treatment is used to reduce the amount of waste products in the urine, thereby reducing the risk of kidney damage. – Treatment of inflammation: This treatment is used for the reduction of inflammation in various parts of the body, including the joints, muscles, and nerves. It can also be used to reduce pain. – Stimulating hair growth: The electric current from ionophoresis can be used to stimulate hair growth on your scalp. This treatment is used in conjunction with other medications to treat alopecia. – Relaxing muscles: Muscles are irritated and tense in many diseases, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. Ionophoresis can be used to reduce muscles’ sensitivity to pain. – Increasing blood flow and function: Ionophoresis can be used to improve blood flow and function in the body. It can be used to treat various conditions, including kidney impairment, heart disease, and low blood pressure.

Safety issues in ionophoresis

There are no health risks associated with this medical treatment. However, people who are hypersensitive to ionophoresis may experience a burning sensation while being treated. You can also develop an allergic reaction to the solution used in ionophoresis. Both of these reactions can be treated with medication. A few precautions are recommended while ionophoresis. You should not use this treatment on broken skin or areas with skin rashes. You should also avoid using ionophoresis on areas that have been burned.


Ionophoresis is a safe and effective way to treat conditions caused by an excess of ions in your body. It is also used to remove excess ions from the body, which can lead to complications, including kidney damage, heart problems, and headaches. If you want to know more about this treatment, keep reading for more details.

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